Tuesday, July 11, 2017

My First Twitter Chat!

This was my first time participating in a Twitter chat (#kytechchat). I was pretty nervous at first because I wasn't sure how it would go or if I would be able to keep up. I will admit that I used to hate Twitter, but now that I am using it professionally, I love it. As a novice teacher, it was a great way to get resources and ideas that I can use no matter what class I end up teaching!

I definitely think that Twitter is an excellent resources for teachers, librarians, and other school staff. You can easily share photos, ideas, notes, videos, and links with other people anywhere in the world. It was really refreshing getting perspectives from teachers and librarians outside of Arkansas; it gave me an idea of how other states utilize their staff and technology. Twitter is also a great way to spread the word about upcoming professional development sessions, whether they are on Twitter or in person sessions. Twitter chats can also be used as a professional development tool.

If you have never participated in a Twitter chat before, it takes some getting used to. You really have to pay attention so that you can follow the questions being asked and the answers provided. However, once you start, it is easy to get into the flow of things. I ended up making so many connections, and we shared a few resources already! I documented my chat using
If you have never participated in a Twitter chat before, it takes some getting used to. You really have to pay attention so that you can follow the questions being asked and the answers provided. However, once you start, it is easy to get into the flow of things. I ended up making so many connections, and we shared a few resources already! I documented my chat using Storify, which is extremely easy to use. You can search for the hashtag, and the results are quickly collected.

Overall, this was a really beneficial experience, and I encourage you to give it a try! They Twitter chat in which I participated, #kytechchat, hosts a Twitter chat monthly. The next one is on August 8 at 9EST. I can't wait!

If you would like to see what was discussed in our chat, check out my Storify post.

Photo from @Amysmusings on Twitter. 


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