Created by Jananie at thisstoryaintover
Her Tag Video
1. Name a book that you said "thank u, next" to, i.e. DNF'd (did not finish).
2. You can answer the next three questions together OR separately with completely different books:
3. Name a book that taught you love (i.e. a book you loved)
4. Name a book that taught you patience.
5. Name a book that taught you pain.
6. Name a book that you loved at the time of reading but in hindsight you do not like as much anymore but which you still learned some other quality from.
7. Name a book you're currently talking to, i.e. have the hots for.
8. Name the book that gon' last - the book of you - the book that helped you love yourself a little bit more.
9. Tag someone do to the tag!
My Tag Video:
My Tag Video: